initial, default and protected values
loaded values override initial values settings - except when protected
When creating a new setting one can specify a initial value:
name = "noiser_2000"
self.settings.New("port", str, initial="COM10")
However, you might find that after you started the app the port is now set to “COM7”. Then probably your *
file contains a line that loads "default_settings.ini"
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = FancyApp(sys.argv)
with the default_settings.ini
file contains the lines:
port = COM7
so loaded values override initial values. However, there is one exemption, that is when a setting is protected
self.settings.New("z_target_position", float, initial=0.0, protected=True)
Proceted settings were introduced such that loading a file does not accidentally set a value to a dangereous level, like driving a stage into a 10k optical objective.