HW_zwo_camera (ScopeFoundry)

ASI ZWO Astronomy Camera ScopeFoundry Hardware Component

To add to your microscope

cd to/your_project_folder and use the following cmd (requires git)

mkdir ScopeFoundryHW/zwo_camera && cd ScopeFoundryHW/zwo_camera && git init --initial-branch=master && git remote add upstream_ScopeFoundry https://github.com/ScopeFoundry/HW_zwo_camera && git pull upstream_ScopeFoundry master && cd ../..


uses the python-zwoasi python library and SDK from ZWO

https://github.com/python-zwoasi/python-zwoasi zwoasi-

pip install zwoasi

On MacOS, the default security settings prevent the SDK library from being accessed

xattr -d com.apple.quarantine ScopeFoundryHW/zwo_camera/ASI_linux_mac_SDK_V1.22/lib/mac/libASICamera2.dylib.1.22

You must also have libusb installed (homebrew works): brew install libusb