HW_ni_daq (ScopeFoundry)

No description available.

To add to your microscope

cd to/your_project_folder and use the following cmd (requires git)

mkdir ScopeFoundryHW/ni_daq && cd ScopeFoundryHW/ni_daq && git init --initial-branch=master && git remote add upstream_ScopeFoundry https://github.com/ScopeFoundry/HW_ni_daq && git pull upstream_ScopeFoundry master && cd ../..



National Instruments data-aquisition plug-in for ScopeFoundry.

This interface uses the PyDAQmx wrapper to commuicate with NI DAQmx API, which works with most NI data-aquisition systems.

(Tested with x-series boards)

ScopeFoundry is a Python platform for controlling custom laboratory experiments and visualizing scientific data


This software is not made by or endorsed by National Instruments, Inc.


D. Frank Ogletree dfogletree@lbl.gov Edward S. Barnard esbarnard@lbl.gov


* ScopeFoundry
* [PyDAQmx](http://pythonhosted.org/PyDAQmx/)
* [NI DAQmx](https://www.ni.com/dataacquisition/nidaqmx.htm)