Hardware Components

Hardware Components shared by the community

The following is a list of hardware component plug-ins created for use with ScopeFoundry. If you have a device you would like to use with ScopeFoundry and it is not listed below, you can create a custom hardware plug-in from the following instructions

This page periodically crawls GitHub for HW_* repos. Thereby, it considers users/organisations that forked the ScopeFoundry Repo.

To contribute follow instructions here.

– Thanks

HW_acton_spec (akshaybkiitb)

Acton Spectrometer 2300i ScopeFoundry Hardware Component

HW_acton_spec (UBene)

Acton Spectrometer 2300i ScopeFoundry Hardware Component

HW_acton_spec (ScopeFoundry)

Acton Spectrometer 2300i ScopeFoundry Hardware Component

HW_andor_camera (ScopeFoundry)

No description available.

HW_andor_spec (ScopeFoundry)

Andor Spectrometer ScopeFoundry Hardware Component

HW_ascom_camera (ScopeFoundry)

No description available.

HW_asi_stage (ScopeFoundry)

ASI Stage ScopeFoundry Hardware Component

HW_attocube_anc150 (ScopeFoundry)

Attocube ANC150 open loop stage ScopeFoundry Hardware Component

HW_attocube_ecc100 (UBene)

Attocube ECC100 closed loop stage ScopeFoundry Hardware Component

HW_attocube_ecc100 (ScopeFoundry)

Attocube ECC100 closed loop stage ScopeFoundry Hardware Component

HW_canon_ccapi (ScopeFoundry)

Canon Camera Capture (CCAPI) ScopeFoundry Hardware Component

HW_crystaltech_aotf (ScopeFoundry)

CrystalTech AOTF ScopeFoundry Hardware Component

HW_dynamixel_servo (ScopeFoundry)

Robotis Dynamixel Servo Motor ScopeFoundry Hardware Component

HW_flircam (ScopeFoundry)

FLIRCAM Spinnaker API Camera ScopeFoundry Hardware Component

HW_foundry_data_organizer (ScopeFoundry)

plug in to add proposal identifier to h5 metadata

HW_igus_dryve (ScopeFoundry)

Igus Dryve Motion Control ScopeFoundry Hardware Component

HW_labspec (UBene)

No description available.

HW_lambda_zup (ScopeFoundry)

Lambda Zup Power Supply ScopeFoundry Hardware Component

HW_lumenera_lucam (UBene)

No description available.

HW_mcl_stage (ScopeFoundry)

MadCityLabs Nanopositioner Stage ScopeFoundry Hardware component

HW_newport_esp300 (UBene)

ScopeFoundry Hardware Component for Newport ESP300 motion controller

HW_newport_esp300 (ScopeFoundry)

ScopeFoundry Hardware Component for Newport ESP300 motion controller

HW_ni_daq (ScopeFoundry)

No description available.

HW_OceanOptics (SarthakJariwala)

OceanOptics Hardware connection for ScopeFoundry

HW_PI_PiezoStage (SarthakJariwala)

ScopeFoundry plugin for PI Piezo stage

HW_picam (akshaybkiitb)

ScopeFoundry hardware plug-in to control PICAM-based Princeton Instruments Cameras

HW_picam (UBene)

ScopeFoundry hardware plug-in to control PICAM-based Princeton Instruments Cameras

HW_picam (ScopeFoundry)

ScopeFoundry hardware plug-in to control PICAM-based Princeton Instruments Cameras

HW_picoharp (ScopeFoundry)

No description available.

HW_quantum_composer (ScopeFoundry)

Quantum Composer HW

HW_random_gen (UBene)

No description available.

HW_random_gen (ScopeFoundry)

No description available.

HW_srs_sg380 (UBene)

No description available.

HW_tenma_power (ScopeFoundry)

No description available.

HW_thorlabs_powermeter (ScopeFoundry)

No description available.

HW_virtual_function_gen (ScopeFoundry)

No description available.

HW_virtual_function_gen (akshaybkiitb)

No description available.

HW_zaber_motion (ScopeFoundry)

Zaber motion control stage ScopeFoundry Hardware Component

HW_zeiss_sem (ScopeFoundry)

Zeiss SEM REMCON32 ScopeFoundry Hardware Component

HW_zwo_camera (ScopeFoundry)

ASI ZWO Astronomy Camera ScopeFoundry Hardware Component