HW_acton_spec (akshaybkiitb)
Acton Spectrometer 2300i ScopeFoundry Hardware Component
The following is a list of hardware component plug-ins created for use with ScopeFoundry. If you have a device you would like to use with ScopeFoundry and it is not listed below, you can create a custom hardware plug-in from the following instructions
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Acton Spectrometer 2300i ScopeFoundry Hardware Component
Acton Spectrometer 2300i ScopeFoundry Hardware Component
Acton Spectrometer 2300i ScopeFoundry Hardware Component
No description available.
Andor Spectrometer ScopeFoundry Hardware Component
No description available.
ASI Stage ScopeFoundry Hardware Component
Attocube ANC150 open loop stage ScopeFoundry Hardware Component
Attocube ECC100 closed loop stage ScopeFoundry Hardware Component
Attocube ECC100 closed loop stage ScopeFoundry Hardware Component
Canon Camera Capture (CCAPI) ScopeFoundry Hardware Component
CrystalTech AOTF ScopeFoundry Hardware Component
Robotis Dynamixel Servo Motor ScopeFoundry Hardware Component
FLIRCAM Spinnaker API Camera ScopeFoundry Hardware Component
plug in to add proposal identifier to h5 metadata
Igus Dryve Motion Control ScopeFoundry Hardware Component
No description available.
Lambda Zup Power Supply ScopeFoundry Hardware Component
No description available.
MadCityLabs Nanopositioner Stage ScopeFoundry Hardware component
ScopeFoundry Hardware Component for Newport ESP300 motion controller
ScopeFoundry Hardware Component for Newport ESP300 motion controller
No description available.
OceanOptics Hardware connection for ScopeFoundry
ScopeFoundry plugin for PI Piezo stage
ScopeFoundry hardware plug-in to control PICAM-based Princeton Instruments Cameras
ScopeFoundry hardware plug-in to control PICAM-based Princeton Instruments Cameras
ScopeFoundry hardware plug-in to control PICAM-based Princeton Instruments Cameras
No description available.
Quantum Composer HW
No description available.
No description available.
No description available.
No description available.
No description available.
No description available.
No description available.
Zaber motion control stage ScopeFoundry Hardware Component
Zeiss SEM REMCON32 ScopeFoundry Hardware Component
ASI ZWO Astronomy Camera ScopeFoundry Hardware Component