Getting Started
Note: We recommend the Anaconda Python distribution, which contains many easy-to-install scientific python packages. If you already had a non-Anaconda version of python installed, you will need to make sure you use Anaconda in order to follow the instructions below.
Download and Install Anaconda. The current recommended Python version is 3.11. Other Python 3 versions should work but are not actively tested.
Anaconda provides a way to make a clean set of packages in an “environment”. Follow these steps to create an conda environment. This environment includes ScopeFoundry and all of the packages ScopeFoundry needs to run.
Open an Anaconda prompt and run the following commands:
conda create -n scopefoundry python=3.12
conda activate scopefoundry
conda install numpy qtpy h5py pyqtgraph qtconsole matplotlib
pip install pyqt6 scopefoundry
The first two lines create and activate a clean python / conda environment for your ScopeFoundry app to use, the next lines install the required packages and the final line install the ScopeFoundry package itself.
The use of the conda environment is optional, but provides a clean, known working environment for ScopeFoundry
Mac / Linux
Same step as above except that you can use terminal
instead of anaconda prompt
For olders versions of anaconda (<4.4 before 2017) you have to replace conda activate scopefoundry
source activate scopefoundry
check your installation by making your first app in 1 min
setup IDE