DataBrowser Tutorials

Low level reference docs for your project.

ScopeFoundry provides a DataBrowserApp that makes it easy for a user to explore a set of experiemental results on their computer. It is a plug-in based application, where data-type plug-ins (a DataBrowserView) can show relevant data within the file. The [FoundryDataBrowser] project is an example of the ScopeFoundry DataBrowser with a number of Views used to browse common experiemental data the Molecular Foundry.

 Image of the DataBrower

Requirements: install scope_foundry


  1. Make an app
  2. Make a image viewer example that show images
  3. Make a .h5 viewer that handles your costume file format and displays the data as you like.


Learn how to create custom DataBrowserApp

ImageRead Viewer

Learn how to create custom DataBrowserView applications

H5 file Viewer

Learn how to create custom DataBrowserView for .h5 quickly


Learn how to setup Data-Browser PlugIn