Alternative - use subtree

For git experts

This approach lead to

The following instructions publish company_model in your_project_folder’s ScopeFoundryHW

├── your_project_folder
    ├── ScopeFoundryHW
     	├── company_model
     		├── Licence
     		# optional
     		├── ** more files/directory that make your hw component work

If you like to adhere to this template use

Publish your hardware

  1. Initialize your main repo if you havent already, and make sure you have commited everyting in company_model folder.

  2. Create the target repo on GitHub by prepending HW_ to the package

    1. sign-up/log-on on GitHub with your USER_NAME
    2. New (repository) to make a public repo named HW_{company_model} create_repo 3. note the repo url for the next steprepo_created
  3. Now you can push your code

    git subtree push --prefix ScopeFoundryHW/company_model/{USER_NAME}/{HW_company_model}.git main

Updating to published plug-ins

If it is not your repo or you do not have write access:

  • Sign up/log on github with your USER_NAME
  • fork the original repo

Now you should have github repository url of the form:{USER_NAME}/HW_{company_model}.git Here we push to the branch {MAIN} by

  1. cd to/your_project_folder

  2. git init
  3. Push your changes (that were made to ScopeFoundryHW/company_model/)

    git subtree push --prefix ScopeFoundryHW/company_model/{USER_NAME}/HW_{company_model}.git {MAIN}

If you’d like to share your updates with the original owner then create a Pull Request on GitHub.

Updating from published plug-ins

git subtree add --prefix ScopeFoundryHW/company_model/{USER_NAME}/HW_{company_model}.git {MAIN} && git checkout

Discoverable on this page

This page periodically crawls GitHub for HW_* repos. Thereby, it considers users/organisations that forked the ScopeFoundry Repo. So this page will find your hw repo if

Where to Find Out More

This tutorial code is available in the HW_random_gen repository.

For questions about this tutorial or ScopeFoundry in general, please visit and post on the ScopeFoundry project mailing list and forum.

For source code of all ScopeFoundry projects visit our GitHub page.