Publish HW components separately

Publish your shiny new plugin as a ScopeFoundryHW plug-in on GitHub.

The following instructions publish company_model in your_project_folder’s ScopeFoundryHW

├── your_project_folder
    ├── ScopeFoundryHW
     	├── company_model
     		├── Licence
     		# optional
     		├── ** more files/directory that make your hw component work

If you like to adhere to this template use

Publish your hardware

  1. Create the target repo on GitHub by prepending HW_ to the package

    1. sign-up/log-on on GitHub with your USER_NAME
    2. New (repository) to make a public repo named HW_{company_model} create_repo 3. note the repo url for the next steprepo_created
  2. Initialize git repositiory localy

    cd ScopeFoundryHW/{company_model}
    git init --initial-branch=main
  3. Commit your code. If it is the first commit, we can commit all at once

    git add -A && git commit -m "Initial release"
  4. Push your code to the remote repo

    git remote add origin{USER_NAME}/HW_{company_model}.git
    git push origin

Discoverable on this page

This page periodically crawls GitHub for HW_* repos. Thereby, it considers users/organisations that forked the ScopeFoundry Repo. So this page will find your hw repo if

Updating to already published plug-ins

If it is not your repo or you do not have write access:

  • Sign up/log on github with your USER_NAME
  • fork the original repo

Now you should have github repository url of the form:{USER_NAME}/HW_{company_model}.git Here we push to the branch master.

  1. go the folder you of the hardware

    cd to/your_project_folder/ScopeFoundryHW/{company_model}
  2. Commit your code. To wrap all changes in one commit (not necessarily recommended)

    git add -A && git commit -m "describe your contribution"
  3. Push your code to the remote repo

    git remote add origin{USER_NAME}/HW_{company_model}.git
    git push origin

If you’d like to share your updates with the original owner then create a Pull Request on GitHub.

Adding published plug-ins to your project


  • urls{USER_NAME}/{company_model}.git
  • with branch master
mkdir ScopeFoundryHW/{company_model} && cd ScopeFoundryHW/{company_model} && git init --initial-branch=master && git remote add upstream{USER_NAME}/{company_model}.git && git pull upstream master && cd ../..

HINT: The entries of reference/hw-components all ready contain this line other update and run it from your Project folder