Setup Eclipse

Install Eclips

Requires install ScopeFoundry

Eclipse + PyDev IDE

Eclipse PyDev

For an IDE we recommend Eclipse with the PyDev plugin. While the setup is more complicated than many other IDE’s, there is one very useful feature available in PyDev that not available elsewhere: Live code reloading. This allows a developer to modify any function in ScopeFoundry from within Eclipse and have that new version of the function injected into the running ScopeFoundry App.

  • To install, download Eclipse Installer.
  • Install Eclipse for Java developers
  • Open Eclipse, go to Eclipse Marketplace... menu item
  • Search for “PyDev” and install
  • Configure your PyDev python interpreter. Make sure to point it at your scopefoundry conda environment.
    • Open Eclipse, close Welcome page
      • (Windows->Preference->PyDev->Interpreters->Phyton Interpreters ->New… ->Browse->Select python.exe in Anaconda 3 folder)
    • Under “Package” tab, select “Load conda var before run?”
    • Optional for Windows: Underv “Environment package” add variable CONDA_DLL_SEARCH_MODIFICATION_ENABLE, setting value = 1

Setup the Python Project in Eclipse

one of the two following ways:

  1. Create A New Project
  • Create a python project in Eclipse (New->Other->PyDev->PyDevProject) and add a new .py file to the project.
  • Make sure to select “Add project directory to the PYTHONPATH”
  1. Use An Existing Code
  • File -> Open Project From Filesystem

  • Select the directory where your phyton code is.

  • Right click on the newly created folder in Eclipse, select PyDev-> Set As PyDev Project

  • Right click on the newly created folder in Eclipse, select PyDev-> Set as folder in PYTHONPATH

Live code reloading run your App script in Eclipse’s Debug Mode 10_eclipse_debug_mode so the code reloads upon saving a file

Optional QT Creator

  • INSTALL Qt Creator. This for interactive creation of QT user interface files (.ui)

next install and setup Git